LOPA Board Members
The Board of Directors has full legal authority and responsibility for the management and provision of all LOPA services and must develop and oversee implementation of policies and procedures considered necessary for the effective administration of LOPA. These include fiscal operations, quality assessment and performance improvement (QAPI) program, and services furnished under contract or arrangement, including agreements for these services. The board of directors must appoint an individual to be responsible for the day-to-day operation of LOPA and approve recommendations from the Advisory Board.
Board Members
Nelson Hellwig
Brittany Elliser
Vice Chair
Dr. Ari Cohen
Past Chair
David Puckett
Dr. Veron Browne
Dr. Hoonbae Jeon
Leisa Lawson
Carrie Lewis
Julie Rew
Keenen Shields, Sr.
Dr. Alison Smith
Dr. Robert Walter

“17 people die a day waiting for an organ, which creates a sense of urgency for us all year long.”
The Advisory Board provides policy recommendation for recovery of organs, effective agreements with hospitals in its service area, effective professional education, appropriate testing and evaluation of organs consistent with OPTN standards, appropriate tissue typing, system for allocating organs consistent with the rules of OPTN, transportation of organs, coordination of activities with transplant centers in Louisiana, recovery of all potential tissue donors, and an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of LOPA.
Advisory Board
Jonathan Hand, MD, Co-Chair
Juan Duchesne, MD, Co-Chair
Jonnie LaHatte, Secretary
Donnie Aultman, MD
Lex Austin
Aimee Aysenne, MD
Emily Bugeaud, MD
Jamie Collier
Shannon Cooper, MD
Chuck Credo
James Moises, MD
Anil Paramesh, MD
Rhonda Porta
Raoult Ratard, MD
Neeraj Singh