LopA’s donation champion program

Save Lives as a LOPA Donation Champion

LOPA facilitates organ and tissue donation for transplant in the state of Louisiana. Founded in 1988, the agency coordinates the placement of organs through the United Network for Organ Sharing and works with transplantation centers and their surgeons so that patients who are in desperate need of life saving organs will receive a second chance at life.

As a LOPA Donation Champion, you have the opportunity to help spread the word about the importance of donation.

What does it mean to be a LOPA Donation Champion?

  • Include donation information in employee communications (newsletters, lunchroom signs, new employee packets, intranet, etc.).

  • Host a donor drive.

  • Host a Lunch and Learn where LOPA staff can present education on the importance of donation.

  • Participate in National Blue & Green Day by encouraging employees to dress in blue and green.

  • Commit to 4 original social media posts on your company’s channels and 4 shared social media posts from LOPA’s social media channels.

Scroll down to sign up

Making Life Happen

Making Life Happen

Once you sign up as a LOPA Donation Champion, you will be connected to a liason who will coach your company, organization or church group through sample projects such as sharing donation information in an internal or external newsletter, hosting a registry drive, or promoting donation through your social media channels.