Gavin Chelette


April 19, 2015 changed our lives forever. My son, one of my twins, Gavin was rushed to the hospital after an accident at home. After a week in the hospital where every life saving measure was attempted, we had to say goodbye for now.

He left behind a twin brother, a 16 year old sister and a 3 year old brother. He left behind countless family members, friends and a community of people who adored him. My baby had made a huge impact in his 13 years of life. He lived every day with such joy, passion and humbling love. He is forever missed.

Gavin was an organ and tissue donor. He was 13 years old when he became a hero. His beautiful spirit and heart impacted so many while he shared his life on this Earth and with his passing gave others the opportunity to share in the joy of living.

As his mother, I pray his recipients have had the opportunity to enjoy a second chance with a little less pain in this life. I know my baby boy would have really loved to know he was able to spare others hurt or pain.


Rodney Smith


Chase Romero