Travis Buzzard


Travis Joel Buzzard is my oldest child. I was a young single mother when I had him so he grew up without any luxuries except he was very loved. Later I had another son who specialized in pushing Travis’ buttons but they grew up and developed a special bond. Travis lived life on his terms regardless of pretty much everything – including the legal system. Never anything major but always something he thought was wrong with the system or society that should be changed.


Eventually he landed in New Orleans and although he wasn’t a native, the city seemed to embrace him the minute he set foot inside the city limits. Travis was a loyal friend and he if saw someone in need who was trying, he would jump in to help. He loved to travel and went to Ireland and Spain. Ireland was his favorite and not just because it is the home of Jamesons. Travis was not an angel by any stretch of the imagination but he was well intentioned, a great person to have in your corner in good times or bad, and his love was always unconditional.


Albert Feazell Jr.


Daniel Lawson