Anthony Washington
On June 26, 2016 is when my life was turned upside down. Between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., my husband was getting ready for bed. He had been outside cutting grass that day and he came in complaining about his stomach hurting. He went into the kitchen to fix him something to eat, and then he decided to lie down and rest. About 30 minutes later he got out the bed, really weak, and he couldn’t hold his balance. I ran over to him and laid him on the bed and I knew then he was having a stroke. At that moment I never thought he would not be coming back home to me. That’s when I called 911.
My husband was a good man, a wonderful father whom loved life. It was never a dull moment around him. He would always put others before himself, that’s what he loved to do is help others. So when he passed on June 27, 2016, I knew then what was going to happen. He was an organ donor.
My husband touched so many lives when he was here with us. People I didn’t even know, whose lives he touched. Which was so amazing; he was loved by many. And now that he is no longer with us, he is still helping others, and I’m so proud of him. LOPA was so wonderful and so helpful through this ordeal. I want to thank them for taking care of my husband and letting me know what was going on with him. I’m so proud of my husband for giving someone else another chance at life.