Kye Marshall Law


This is our son Kye Marshall Law. He will forever be 2 years old. He passed away in March 2019, and the loss of our son has been very very hard. It was sudden and a true tragedy.

I share my son’s story in a lot of ways. Kye has helped so many people, and saved so many lives already. Kye passed away due to accidental drowning, in memory of him we created a foundation called #swimforkye. We raise money in our community by stressing the importance of water safety! We had fundraisers to help us do this!

We were able to donate $7,000 to a local gym in our area and 47 children received FREE swim lessons this summer!

Not only is Kye helping save lives in this way, my husband and I decided to help other in another way. We donated what we could of Kye’s organs, his heart valves and both his corneas. I received a letter about 3 weeks after Kye passed that two people were given sight again through Kye’s corneas.

I know one is an 8 year old and the other is a young female in her 20s! I have reached out to LOPA and they have sent the recipients our son’s story! I’m hoping they respond and want to reach back out to us! I want to share with them how amazing our son was, and what he has done even after his death.

I miss my son beyond words! It hurts everyday, but I know my heart would feel so happy if I could just hug you, whoever you are. You are seeing though my son’s eyes, and that has to be the greatest gift in the world! It would be the greatest gift to me if you would let me share how amazing our little boy is, his heart valves have not been donated at this time, they will let me know if they are. We weren’t able to donate much, due to the way Kye passed, but I know our little boy is going to keep living on through us, and everyone he touches through the stories I have to tell.

Thank you,

Kye’s mommy and daddy


Brantley Cole Spillman


Jonathan Daly