Wayne Gary
I’m thankful that the rest of the world now sees my dad the way I always have, as a hero.
Caleb Easterling
Caleb always had a smile for anyone who crossed his path and was a light in the life of anyone who knew him.
Daniel Rees
Despite missing our son, brother and uncle every day, we are glad he had that heart on his driver’s license.
Brooke Richard
I’m here to tell everyone about her and honor her for the Amazing Wonderful young woman that she was!
Skyler Delaney
Skyler made the decision to become a donor at an early age. He always wanted to make a difference in people's lives.
Mazie Leah Broussard
We never want our experience to become someone else's and hope to encourage anyone, especially families with young children, to have conversations early about donation.
Michael Wattler
It is now our responsibility to make the good work of LOPA known and to make sure that friends, families and groups that we are involved in understand the need to register as a donor.
Christopher Emling
He was able to save 5 people and give them more time here with their family.
Dalton Lionel Bourque
We hope that the recipients treasure the gift Dalton left to them, and GO LIVE LIFE as he would.
Tony Medley
He’s able to serve and protect through so many other people. It helps knowing he’s living on in others.